30May 2017


  • Retire Professor-Department of Live Stock, Sindh Agriculture University-Tando jam.
  • Secretary, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
  • Deputy Project Director-Sindh Agricultural Growth Project-Livestock, Hyderabad, Pakistan.
  • Associate Professor, SZABAC-Dokri-Larkana-Sindh-Pakistan.
  • Civil Hospital, Karachi.

The current research investigates Socio-Economic Characteristics of Herders Of Irrigated Plains. Data were collected from primary as well as secondary data. It was revealed that household head in rice, mixed and cotton zones of Punjab was 31, 36 and 33 years respectively (table 44). it ranged from 20-56, 25-6 1 and 23-50 yeas in rice, mixed and cotton zone in Punjab, respectively. Number of years of farming experience might positively be associated with risk taking, particularly in the adoption of crop production technology. Mean years of farming experience of household head in rice and cotton zones of Sindh was 29 and 34 years, respectively. It ranged from 21 to 48 and 24 to 58 respectively (table 44). The farming experience plays a significant role in the adoption of improved production technology and managing institutional arid technological mobilization.

Dr. Abdullah Sethar

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